Section: Software


Below we list some sofwtare that has been developed, or is under development, in Focus.

  • IntML is a functional programming language guaranteeing sublinear space bounds for all programs [53] . See the Activity Reports of previous years (in particular 2010) for more details. During 2012 no substantial modifications have been made.

  • Lideal (http://lideal.cs.unibo.it/ ) is an experimental tool implementing type inference for dependently linear type systems. The tool reduces the problem of evaluating the complexity of PCF (i.e. functional programs with primitive integers and recursive definitions) to checking a set of first-order inequalities for validity. The latter can then be handled through SMT solvers or put in a form suitable for managing them with tools such as CoQ.

  • We have implemented a technique for the deadlock analysis of a concurrent object oriented language (ABS, designed within the European project HATS). The technique consists of

    • an inference system for contracts to be associated to methods. Contracts are terms that retain information about resource dependencies;

    • a fixpoint algorithm for solving contract definitions, which are recursive and may introduce new resource names.

    The release of the software is planned for early 2013.

  • Croll-pi Interpreter (http://proton.inrialpes.fr/~mlienhar/croll-pi/implem/ ). We have developed an interpreter for croll-pi using Maude. Croll-pi is a concurrent reversible language featuring a rollback operator to undo a past action (together with all the actions depending on it), and a compensation mechanism to avoid cycling by redoing the same action again and again.

    We used the interpreter to test the expressive power of croll-pi on various problems, including the 8-queen problem, error handling in an automotive scenario from the EU project Sensoria, and constructs for distributed error handling such as stabilizers.

For other software, such as PiDuce , see the activity reports for Focus of previous years.